Launch 🚀

Fair Launch, No Pre-sale, No Pre-mine for dev. Liquidity will be added before farming start, the exact time will be announced on Telegram, Twitter and Website.

Farming will start at block #14535454.

  • Farming Start Block: #14535454

  • Fair Launch, No Pre-sale, No Pre-mine for dev.

  • QuickSwap liquidity will be added before the farming start. Estimated Target Date

  • Emission Rate: 100 LION/block, will gradually be reduced based on Total Value Lock.

Before farming starts, you can deposit your tokens to any farms or pools in advance. But there will be no farming rewards until the start.

The dev team will only mine 300,000 LION for 150,000 in liquidity pools and 150,000 for marketing such as Twitter contests.

There is no pre-sale. You can only buy LION tokens at the start of liquidity creation. The dev team will add LION-USDC, LION-MATIC liquidities on QuickSwap before farming start.

The starting price of 1 $LION will be $0.006666 at token launch time.

  • LION-USDC: 75,000 LION - 500 USDC

  • LION-MATIC: 75,000 LION ~ 500 MATIC

Last updated